Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Summer Special


This Month's Hot Release

Wesley Gibson is living a pathetic, bleak, colorless cubicle existence until his father's death sets into motion a series of stunning revelations. Revelation One: a super-hot chick is actually checking him out. Two: the aforementioned chick, "Fox," worked with Dad, who by the way was a superstar assassin answering to a supernatural authority. Three: Wesley has inherited Dad's special talents, which unsurprisingly involve killing people. Four: Dad was murdered, and it's Wesley's job to avenge him and set things right. Unless, of course, he's really attached to that day job.

Three Good Reasons

  • 1An ordinary desk monkey, approached by a deadly babe and told that he has a special destiny? Obeying the instructions of a sonorous guru to protect a world oblivious to its enslavement by a higher power? Nah... that'll never work.
  • 2We know Angelina Jolie is a great mom, and a philanthropist, and a respected dramatic actress. But what we really want to see her do is kick some butt again.
  • 3In addition to the usual bullets, cars, and explosions, the action incorporates parkour, or "free running": precise methods of movement and obstacle navigation that will blow your mind.

Bet You Didn't Know

In the graphic novel the movie is based on, the characters are more like comic book super-villains than assassins. The character of "The Fox" is inspired by Batman's adversary/flame Catwoman. Angelina Jolie, who plays Fox in the movie, is said to answer to the nickname "Catwoman" in real life.

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